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Social Media

Social media is my primary focus, and I specialize in crafting engaging content, captions and hashtags. that resonates with audiences. Here are some examples of posts I've created, tailored to specific platforms and designed to elevate brand presence.


I created the #HMEmpoweredMoms campaign for H&M, a bold endeavour focused on promoting body positivity and inclusivity among mothers aged 30 and older. Understanding the unique post-pregnancy challenges they face, the campaign aimed to empower these women through personalized wardrobe makeovers and embracing their unique styles. Utilizing social media, events, and real-life narratives, my objective was to alleviate societal beauty standards and cultivate a community of confident mothers. By addressing the prevalent issue of negative body image among mothers, #HMEmpoweredMoms aimed to encourage empowerment and positive transformation, leaving a lasting impact and fostering body positivity. This campaign was rewarding to me as it provided insights into a different demographic and allowed me to make meaningful contributions to the lives of mothers.

Social Media Mock-ups


"Swap and Style" was a social media movement aimed at promoting awareness of fashion sustainability and advocating for change. Alongside my team, I developed numerous Instagram posts, reels, and interactive stories for the campaign. This project was especially gratifying for me as it allowed me to explore the realm of sustainability and address a topic that is often overlooked.


Vera Bellezza was a makeup brand I created as part of my coursework, focusing on cruelty-free products that adapt to the skin's pH level. Through this project, I crafted a series of engaging social media posts and interactive stories to showcase the brand's unique features and values. One of the key takeaways from this experience was the opportunity to enhance my proficiency in Photoshop, as I utilized the software to design visually appealing content. This project not only allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting but also enabled me to develop essential skills in branding, digital marketing, and content creation.


La Vida Rosa, my brainchild bakeshop, blossomed from a mere idea into a thriving reality under my stewardship. This project was not only exhilarating but also immensely fulfilling as I personally curated every treat, adorning them with love and creativity. Beyond the kitchen, I honed my skills in digital marketing by conceptualizing and executing captivating social media posts, stories, and captions to showcase our offerings and engage our audience effectively. Additionally, I meticulously crafted a social media calendar to ensure consistency and strategic content distribution. Delving into growth tracking, I gained valuable insights into operations and strategy. This project taught me the importance of attention to detail and the gratification of seeing my passion project come to life.


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