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I am an  Advertising, Branding, and Public Relations student who recently graduated from Middlesex University Dubai, and I enjoyed every second of it. My coursework included creating advertisements, designing creative solutions for client-led campaigns, creating media kits, building brands, and more. I am an aspiring content creator for social media.


 Advertising, to me, is not just promoting a brand but creating a story behind it. My favourite part of advertisements is the story-telling aspect, how brands come to life. To me, advertising is an art. It is an expression of creative ideas beautifully put together to create something memorable, from imagination to reality. 


I consider myself highly creative and have a good eye for art. I enjoy painting, drawing, photography, baking and cake decorating. Apart from this, I enjoy editing videos and photos and designing content.


 I am a media enthusiast, passionate about designing creative solutions. I am hardworking, creative, responsible and reliable. I always deliver my best! I am a very organised person, and I deliver high-quality work on time. I put much effort into everything I do, no matter how small the task, and exceed even my own expectations. 


"Inspiration ignites creativity; creativity sparks inspiration." According to colour psychology, blue represents inspiration - which is what I'm all about!

My logo

'MC' - A symbol that embodies much more than just initials. Is it 'Media Crafting'? Perhaps 'Master of Content Creation'? Maybe 'Marketing Champion' or 'Multimedia Creator'? No, it's MARION COLACO.

Core Values

CREATIVITY: Embracing Innovation

Creativity is at the heart of everything I do. It's the spark that ignites new ideas and drives me to find innovative solutions to challenges. Whether I'm developing a marketing campaign, designing a website, painting a portrait or tackling a problem, I approach each task with a fresh perspective and a willingness to think outside the box. Creativity is not just a skill—it's a mindset that allows me to turn ordinary ideas into extraordinary results, in both my personal and professional life.

THOUGHTFULNESS: Empathy in Action

Thoughtfulness defines my approach to life, from personal interactions to professional engagements. Whether it's selecting a gift that resonates deeply with the recipient or fostering inclusive environments in team collaborations, I prioritize empathy and consideration in all my endeavours. By embodying thoughtfulness, I aim to make meaningful connections and positively impact those around me, both personally and professionally.

LEADERSHIP: Guiding by Example

Leadership is not just about holding a title—it's about inspiring and empowering others to reach their full potential. During my time in university, I led numerous group projects where I took on the role of both a team member and a leader. For example, in one project, I recognized the strengths and talents of each team member and delegated tasks accordingly, ensuring that everyone had an opportunity to contribute their best work. I led by example, demonstrating dedication, professionalism, and a willingness to go above and beyond to achieve our shared goals. Through these experiences, I've developed a deep understanding of what it means to lead with integrity, empathy, and a commitment to collaboration.

OPTIMISM: Seeing Opportunities Everywhere

I have always been told that I am optimistic in everything I do. It's about maintaining a positive outlook and believing that every obstacle is an opportunity in disguise. By approaching life with optimism, I'm able to overcome setbacks, learn from failures, and find solutions where others see only problems. Optimism is not just a mindset—it's a superpower that fuels my resilience and drives me forward, no matter what.

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: Commitment to Growth

Personal development is a lifelong journey, and I'm committed to continuous growth and learning. Whether it's through formal education, professional development opportunities, reading self-improvement books by experts, or personal reflection, I'm always seeking to expand my knowledge, skills, and perspectives. By investing in my own development, I ensure that I'm always evolving, improving, and becoming the best version of myself.


My Objective

My Vision

To secure an entry-level job in a reputed company. I aim to grow in a modern environment and develop and utilise my skills in media. I am motivated to contribute and deliver my best

With a Gen Z touch, I aim to craft innovative strategies and compelling content that resonate deeply with audiences, driving meaningful engagement and leaving a lasting impact in the digital realm



As a multifaceted individual, I bring a unique blend of creativity, storytelling and social media expertise to every endeavour. My creativity knows no bounds, manifesting not only in my professional work but also in my personal pursuits such as art, baking, and beyond. This diverse creative background allows me to approach social media content creation with a fresh perspective, infusing each piece with originality and innovation. My media skills extend far beyond the basics, encompassing a comprehensive understanding of digital platforms and emerging trends. What truly sets me apart, however, is my innate understanding of Generation Z. Through my four years at University, almost all my projects included Gen Z as the target, allowing me to gather insight into their preferences, behaviours, and aspirations. With a finger on the pulse of youth culture, I effortlessly infuse a Gen Z touch into all my work, ensuring that brands connect authentically with this influential demographic. Employers seeking a dynamic social media professional who can seamlessly blend creativity, media expertise, and Gen Z insights need look no further—I am ready to elevate your digital presence and drive remarkable success.

"Marion is a super talented member of our class and has already been flagged by the organisers of Dubai Lynx as a future star. I am so proud of her early achievements and the leadership she showed in the Student Hack earlier in her 2nd year. She is a strong student who participates well in class work, and is clearly a reliable and valued member of her team."

- Stephen king, Professor at Middlesex University

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