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The International Foundation Programme (IFP) served as a comprehensive foundation for my academic journey, comprising seven modules that laid the groundwork for my subsequent learning and growth. 



Media Portfolio Foundation Project:

During this module, I created a brand from scratch, developing a comprehensive pitch, proposal, and website that showcased my creativity and strategic thinking.

Overall Grade: 3 (Distinction)



The SMART module introduced me to the essentials of referencing and analysis, instilling in me the importance of accuracy and rigour in academic work.

Overall Grade: 2 (Distinction)


Digital Production:

In the Digital Production module, I acquired foundational knowledge in video editing techniques. I familiarised myself with essential software tools such as CapCut.

Overall Grade: 4 (Distinction)


Academic Skills and Writing:

This module provided me with invaluable tools to enhance my writing proficiency and refine my copywriting skills, equipping me with the ability to communicate ideas persuasively and concisely. 

Overall Grade: 3 (Distinction)


Foundations of Art and Creative Media:
In this module, I gained a broad understanding of various sectors within the media industry. Through critical reflection exercises, I cultivated a more profound self-awareness and personal development, honing my ability to effectively analyse and articulate my thoughts.

Overall Grade: 12 (Pass)


Foundation Mathematics:

Finally, this module taught me fundamental mathematical skills, which I applied in Microsoft Excel.

The Introduction to Research module deepened my understanding of rigorous research methodologies, providing practical experience in conducting extensive research using platforms such as Google Scholar. 

Overall Grade: PASS


Introduction to Research (Optional)

This module deepened my understanding of rigorous research methodologies, providing practical experience in conducting extensive research using platforms such as Google Scholar. 


Through the IFP, I not only acquired essential academic knowledge but also developed a diverse range of skills that have been invaluable throughout my university journey and beyond. These include critical thinking, effective communication, creative problem-solving, digital literacy, project management, and research proficiency, all of which continue to serve as solid pillars for my academic and professional endeavours.

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